Embroidery Exchange

by Scott Smith

I signed up for an tea cloth exchange at the farmgirl website a long time ago. I was incredibly tardy, but I did finally get the package sent. And, this time I remembered to take pictures.

I did a ‘days of the week’ towel partly because that’s what I had on hand for patterns and partly because I got it in my head that it would be fun to have a bunch of different, mismatched ‘days of the week’ towels in my kitchen. I hope it’s new owner feels that way about the one ‘days of the week’ towel I sent her. I added a pumpkin to the opposite corner so that it could be used on other days. If she happens to be a stickler for the day of the week a towel gets used on… she can fold the ‘Sunday’ corner away until Sunday.

I received this lovely towel on time and packaged with a lovely set of vintage buttons I have, as yet, been unable to photograph in any way that serves them well (as in, ‘in focus’).


So, thank you again, TRM, for the lovely towel and buttons.